Land and Housing Sales

Mediation Practice in Rental Cases. Updated 310 LIKE SHARE The new notary practice. Which allows real estate sales to be made in notary offices. Is among the new regulations that the public is curious about. So, when will the new practice for buying and selling real estate at notaries come into effect. Housing sales on weekend notary offices Is it possible to buy. Therefore, And sell real estate in. What will be the upper limit on rent increase rates. It is Greatly Convenient to Sell Real Estate through a. Notary Publican and Housing Sales. Can Be Done at Notaries . Rent Increase Limit is 25 Percent. Mediation Practice in Rental Cases. It is Greatly Convenient for Real Estate.

Offices on weekdays and official business

Public Minister of Justice Yılmaz  Korea Number Data Tuna. Who  made statements about the new notary application, said that the regulation. That will allow real estate and immovable. Property sales in notary offices, starting from July 4. Will facilitate sales. Thanks to this new application. The congestion in land registry offices. Therefore, Especially regarding real estate sales. will be eliminated and citizens will be able to make real estate buying and selling transactions in a shorter time and faster. Another important advantage of the application is that it is valid in notary offices. Notary Public on Duty Thanks to the ” application, transactions will be possible on weekends.  Therefore, In other words, until now, housing buying and. Selling transactions could only be carried out in the land registry.

Phone Number data

Concerns tenants and homeowners

But within the scope of the real estate  Italy Phone Number List buying and selling. Practice in the new notary offices, such transactions can now be. Carried out within the notary publics on duty on weekends. Therefore, With the One Year Rental Increase Limit, Increases. Cannot Be Over 25 Percent With the One Year Rental Increase Limit. Increases Cannot Be Over 25 Percent With the. One Year Rental Increase Limit. Increases Cannot Be Over 25 Percent Another. statement made by Minister of Justice Yılmaz. Tuna closely concerns tenants and homeowners. In his information sharing, Minister Tuna. Therefore, Announced that the necessary studies will be carried out to. Continue the 25 percent upper limit on.

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