Benefits of CRM Migration

Now you know the definition of CRM migration and the types of data to move from one system to another. However, you might still have doubts about whether you need to approach the migration process or not. Businesses decide to shift to new solutions for various reasons; it can be a low performance of their current CRM platform, insufficient support, or high maintenance cost.

Some systems can’t offer enough connectivity with other enterprise apps, or they can miss essential features that daily operations require. Whatever the case is, migrating to a new CRM solution entails a number of benefits. Let’s quickly outline them below:

  • Easily accessible data
  • Enhanced customer experience
  • Improved functionality
  • Increased data security
  • Optimized productivity

On top of that, implementing a new CRM tool in cayman islands phone number data  accordance with the checklist of all business requirements often results in cost reduction and faster ROI.

Data Migration Best Practices


Before moving to a detailed migration project plan, let us dwell on the most common best practices for transferring CRM data.

  1. The most popular practice is to deploy a migration tool that will handle the entire process automatically. There are several solutions of this sort on the market. Unfortunately, they only work to move data between very similar CRMs, which is a rare case.
  2. Another way to migrate data into a new CRM is to upload a previously exported data file through the user interface. The success will depend on whether the new CRM can handle parsing the data exported from the old platform on its own.
  3. Finally, the most efficient way to move make sure you have this  data between two CRMs is by developing a custom script or software migration tool. All data gets transferred via API calls. This variant works exceptionally well when the source CRM includes integration with third-party solutions that need to become a part of a new CRM.
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Being the most effective, migration via API is also the most hardcore method for CRM data migration.Share on X

This last practice often implies the development of custom elements in the target CRM. In short, this approach calls for a team of qualified specialists. Unsurprisingly, API-driven CRM migration is one of the most popular practices offered by professional CRM development and implementation companies.

10-Step CRM Data Migration Guide

We will be mostly looking at the third beb directory  method when CRM migration is carried out via API integration. It requires considerably more effort and has some pitfalls that we will help you to avoid. So here’s our comprehensive checklist on the migration process:

1. Get the Team Ready for the Change

Getting all decision-makers on board with the move to a new CRM is vital for two reasons. First of all, they will be providing a business perspective, e.g., what fields can go away or what new fields should appear in the target CRM.

Secondly, they will be the most evident users of the system and may become the most rigorous testers spotting some missed data or other glitches after the process has been finished.

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