Make Sure You Have This

I am revising this previously posted post – this is still very valid and relevant – it is good advice to follow!] One of the biggest mistakes that I see that Website Owners make is hurting their online credibility. Correcting this issue is easy enough and can be done quickly. Why do people make this mistake? I think it is just because they are not aware that it is a problem! You might be asking yourself, “What is he talking about?” I am talking about having a Gravatar.

What is a Gravatar Every blogger

needs to have an Avatar! An avatar is an image that gets sweden phone number data placed whenever you leave a comment on someone else’s website and is also visible when you reply back to a comment left on your website. Simply put, it is your picture that gets plastered all over the web when you interact with others. Why is this important? You want to be visible. If nothing else, you want to create a brand for yourself.

You want people to start to identify

with who you are whenever they see your picture. Your using ai to create website content avatar should be an important part of your online presence. As an example, when I left a comment over on Ellen Brit’s Marketing Qi site, my comment appears like this: What is a gravatar? This image shows an example of a gravatar. You can see my smiling face appear when I comment. When someone leaves a comment and does NOT have an avatar set up, a default one is assigned.

ANother eaxample that answers the question, “what is a gravatar?” Sorry, Alexandra, I don’t mean to pick on you for not having an avatar! To make it up to you, I will be happy to get you set up with one – I’ll do the work for you! So back to the question, “what is a gravatar?” That little image that magically appears… THAT is a gravatar!

To have your avatar get displayed when you comment all you have you do is create a free account over at Here is the Big Secret to remember… When you add your email account, that is the email you will have to use when commenting on someone’s blog. When you comment on someone’s blog, you need to include your Name, your Email Address, and your Website. Make sure the Email Address you enter is the one that is associated with your Gravatar account. The next time you are at a party.

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