How 7 thousand turned into 1.3 million rubles: explosive revenue of an online store of bulk perfumes

Online store marketers have a time. The competition in e-commerce is huge, and sometimes you have to go out of your way to encourage the user to at least visit the site. Everything that comes to hand is used:

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all sorts of variations of contextual advertising. But even if a person has visited recent mobile phone number list the website of an online store, this does not mean that he will register and, even more so, place an . And these are the main performance indicators.

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If there are no conversions into registration, and then into a deal, consider that all the efforts of the marketing department were in vain.

The online store of bulk perfumes SHERMADINI HOUSE knows this No CIBIL Score Loans in India: How to Get No Credit Report Loans  . At one time, the company received only 8-15 registrations and 6-12 per day, but they wanted more.

Natalia Serikova, Marketing Director of the online store, told us how managed to increase registration conversion and reduce the number of abandoned carts.

Desired results

SHERMADINI HOUSE wanted to achieve an increase in

Calltouch tools for those who leave the site without registering
Previonly work with the existing customer base. This did not produce any special results.

Then SHERMADINI HOUSE contacted Calltouch. The service managers offered a solution on how to interest the client and make him leave his contact details even without registering on the site and placing an .
This provided an opportunity for further communication with the client in loan without cibil score to return him to the funnel and bring him to the deal. First, the probability of getting bonuses was divided equally.

But, as the experience  does not work for everyone. Even a guaranteed lottery prize does not always motivate to register, and the user leaves.

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