Sometimes you prepare a cool post and think: now everyone will appreciate it. But a day later, there are still two and a half reactions and not a single 21 Ways to Increase Engagement in a Telegram Channel comment. The same thing happened with the previous ones and, most likely, will happen with the next ones. You start asking yourself: am I really doing something interesting or is this some kind of crap? But wait, give up everything – maybe it’s not the quality of the content, but the interaction with the audience.
Here we have collected 21 ways to increase the engagement of subscribers in the Telegram channel. We
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Table of contents
What is engagement and why is it important?
Sometimes low engagement is okay
Method 1. Gain new subscribers
Method 2: Release “consent” content
Method 3. Post with humor
Method 4. Put the 21 Ways to Increase Engagement in a Telegram Channel first reactions to the post yourself
Method 5. Reply to comments. Quickly
Method 6. Ask questions in posts
Method 7. Publish discussion posts
Method 8: Use reactions as a way to vote
Method 9. Organize a competition
Method 10. Give points for activities
Method 11. Suggest to put a reaction under the post
Method 12. Release material of increased usefulness
Method 13. Tell a life story
Method 14. Share the insides
Method 15. React to the news item
Method 16. Implement a new format
Method 17. Promise something for a certain number of reactions
Method 18. Post less often
Method 19. Monitor the quality of the attracted audience
Method 20. Post unexpected crap
Method 21. Tell about your mistake
What is important to remember
What is engagement and why is it important?
Engagement = (Reactions + Comments + Shares) / Reach. In other words, this is the percentage of readers who interact with a post in some way. These interactions are how subscribers let you know that the content is interesting and they want more of it. Or the opposite: no thanks, we don’t like that.
So engagement is a compass for the author. Here’s why engagement is also important ↓
Affects audience growth. Active subscribers share 21 Ways to Increase Engagement in a Telegram Channel posts with friends who will likely like your content. Some of them go to the channel and subscribe.
Helps to assess the level of loyalty. Positive reactions and comments indicate that subscribers are satisfied with the content and are ready to stay with you. The more active, the higher the percentage of loyal audience.
Increases trust. A person is more likely to subscribe to a channel where the audience actively interacts with the content – for them, this is an indicator of an interesting and useful source of information.
Helps find ideas for content. In the comments, subscribers ask questions, discuss posts, and share
Here are the situations in which
A temporarily relevant product. No ulertu zer den zerbitzuen diseinua eta digitalaz haragoko matter how hard the online school for preparing for the Unified State Exam tries, audience engagement drops sharply in July. This is understandable: schoolchildren have passed their exams, the channel’s content no longer attracts them, and they either unsubscribe or stop engaging and hang around as dead weight, reducing overall engagement.
Channel — bulletin board. If a tour guide in St. Petersburg publishes only current offers in the channel, he cannot count on high engagement. People will come in, find or not find a suitable excursion and leave.
A product that is not worth getting involved in. Let’s say you run a Telegram channel for a car service. To increase engagement, you came up with topics that you think are interesting, wrote posts, and now expect to see heated discussions in 21 Ways to Increase Engagement in a Telegram Channel the comments about cars and their parts. But you only managed to engage a small part of the audience. That’s because most subscribers are not interested in discussing cars — they just want to make sure that they can trust you with their baby.
Old audience. If you gained an audience, say, six months ago and have not updated it since, you will notice that activity has dropped during this time. This is normal: people’s interests are constantly changing, and they stop reading the channel. In this case, you can’t fix engagement with content; you
Need to update your subscriber base.
Method 2: Release consent content
If you’ve published a super-smart and ba leads super-useful post, don’t expect a stormy reaction from your subscribers. They usually react calmly to such content: thank you, useful, I’ll take note. Sometimes they may even be embarrassed to leave a comment, so as not to blurt out something supposedly stupid.
We at Sdelalem run a Telegram channel about content: we share knowledge and experience in terms of texts. And we’ve already gotten used to it: if you do something useful, don’t expect a flurry of reactions. Here, for example, is a post-selection of text visualization methods ↓
The post got 2,000 views, 15 reactions, 8 comments, 8 forwards (1.7% engagement). Not much.
But the audience always reacts emotionally to something familiar and personal: “This is just like what happened to me! Like, repost.” So, we made a post about the fact that when working on content, you need to set aside time for the adaptation of copywriters and editors. Is this useful? Well, with a stretch. But the audience reacted well to the publication, because that’s life.
The post has 4,300 views, 205 reactions, 15 comments, 26 forwards (6% engagement)
This does not mean that you should now only make emotional content: if subscribers do not get what they came for, but only have fun, then they will most likely go to where it is both fun and useful. This is why focusing only on audience engagement when creating content is wrong – it is easy to become a hostage to engaging formats and stop providing the promised value.
Ilya Eremin tells in his post how he uses this method
A large number of comments will attract the attention of a less active audience: someone will come to read and, perhaps, leave a couple of reactions and join the discussion.
A short comment with a compliment under a post on Ilya’s channel turned into a conversation with a subscriber
Method 6. Ask questions in posts
If in a post about how to choose a developer you ask: “Do you think it’s important to carefully choose a developer?”, subscribers will either nod and scroll past, or they’ll realize you’re just trying to get comments out of them and get offended. Show that you really care about their opinion: ask a question that requires a detailed answer.
Let’s take the same post about choosing a developer, change the question: “What did you pay attention to when choosing?”, and now subscribers who have experience in this topic share stories and opinions in the comments that will attract the attention of the ignorant, but interested part of the audience.
Here’s an example from our channel: we asked an emotional question without a clear answer – we got 20 comments
And learn other opinions.
The post on Molyanov’s Telegram channel worked well for engagement: a discussion ensued with 67 comments
Method 8: Use reactions as a way to vote
If you want to know not only what a single subscriber thinks, but also understand where the majority is leaning, use the poll mechanics. Ask a question and suggest clicking on the corresponding reaction, as in the Yandex Books post :
The post is short, the question is urgent, the involvement is wild
Method 9. Organize a competition
Offer your subscribers prizes, and they will definitely try to get them. The main thing is that the gifts are valuable – then the engagement will be high.
In the channel “Let’s Do It” we raffled off our courses and honey sets for memes and received 386 comments (and then posted the winners’ memes and got reactions – double kill):
Method 10. Give points for activities
Launch your own loyalty program: reward subscribers with points for reactions and comments, which they can then exchange for goodies from you. You will have to bother a little and set up your bot, but in the end you will get an interesting feature for your channel. The audience will get involved in the game and become more active.
Method 11. Suggest to put a reaction under the post
The good old call-to-action works flawlessly:
VkusVill suggested clicking on the heart – almost one and a half thousand people clicked. And that’s just the heart
Method 12. Release material of increased usefulness
Share a checklist, template, list, guide in a separate file with your audience and get a bunch of reactions. Why does it work this way? Perhaps the audience thinks that you are sharing secret archives from your personal knowledge base that they will not find anywhere else. And maybe they are not even mistaken.
We shared our own content strategy on our channel and received great feedback.
Method 15. React to the news item
Subscribers will probably be interested in what you think about a new film, Telegram update or important event. Tell them and don’t forget to ask what they think.
Here’s how Aviasales responded to the news about the launch of trading in the Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) token from the gaming mini-application in Telegram:
Here, newsworthy and humor have become friends – an ideal pair for increasing engagement.
Method 16. Implement a new format
The same type of content can get boring over time, even if it’s great. That’s why it’s important to try something new to keep your audience excited and interested.
For example, we once throttled our Telegram channel, saw a decline in activity, and began to publish more daring posts:
On the left is a serious useful post, on the right is also useful, but more fun
And once we created a column called “The Life of a Copywriter,” in which we told stories of specialists. The posts collected a lot of reactions, like this one :
But over time, we got used to them and the involvement subsided, so don’t stop and try new things constantly.
Method 17. Promise something for a certain number of reactions
An old method that still works. A subscriber will not regret a like for an exclusive piece or a story about a failure. The main thing is to intrigue. You can also deliberately ask for very few reactions – this is funny, so it also engages well:
In this post on the channel “Nastenkina Pomoyka” this method is used with humor
Method 18. Post less often
Perhaps subscribers do not have time to read posts. Try posting them less often and compare when it was better: before or after the experiment.
Method 19. Monitor the quality of the attracted audience
Sometimes, in pursuit of a low subscriber cost, you may not notice how the quality of the channels you place your ads in is falling. There is a risk of running into bots – they will not comment or react, but will only create the illusion of growth.